Fire Prevention and Building Code Council Notes
As the year comes to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to summarize some of the important points from the 2017 meetings of the Fire Prevention and Building Code Council. Complete details of the first three meetings can be found in the attached meeting minutes. Draft minutes from the December meeting were not yet available. As soon as I am able to obtain a copy, I will pass it along to the membership.
January 23, 2017 – I spoke in the Public Comment Period on behalf of inserting the text and Table 2 from TMS 602-13 regarding the recalibration of Net Area Compressive Strength of Masonry into the 2017 Uniform Code Supplement. The 2015 International Building Code and 2016 New York State Uniform Code include both only by reference; the text and revised table are not physically included. I attempted to have both added to the upcoming revised
Supplement. However, I was later informed that Department of State Staff would provide a technical bulletin instead. Please refer to my attached remarks for details.
July 13, 2017 – The Council voted to adopt the 2017 Supplement to the NYS Uniform Code, to become fully effective 90 days after the Notice of Adoption was published in the NY State Register. The State Register is the official journal of the New York state government that contains information on proposed regulations and rulemaking activities:
September 27, 2017 – The Council voted to grant to DOS Staff conceptual approval to review and assess changes to the 2018 Editions of the ICC Model Codes for adoption as the 2019 New York State Codes.
December 5, 2017 (via public video conference) – Department of State Staff presented various updates in the 2018 IBC, none of which had any bearing on concrete masonry design or construction. The proposed More Restrictive Local Standard (MRLS) for the Village of Great Neck limiting construction of wood framed buildings in dense downtown areas to 2 ½ stories was voted down by the Council. The Council is striving to severely limit the number of unique NYS amendments to the IBC. Because the proposed restriction is not a part of the IBC, the Council felt there was no compelling case for allowing it in Great Neck. In addition, it was announced that the Governor signed a bill prohibiting a proposed MRLS to take effect prior to approval by the Code Council. Previously, a municipality was free to allow a MRLS to take effect upon adoption, prior to Council approval.
Best wishes to all for a Happy New Year, Nick